The other new and exciting thing that James and I have been up to is the purchase of our new town home! Right now is a great time to buy. These newly constructed town homes are part of a new development in Hyrum called Elk Mountain. They have only built one strip of units and they are now beginning the next sets. With these first units, they put all sorts of upgrades into the homes. They realized they couldn't afford to continue to do all of these upgrades in the next units, so the home we purchased is awesome! We also have a big backyard of grass and don't have to look into anothers home. The other great thing is will we will be next door neighbors with Jarom and Nicci - James brother and wife :)!! They were actually the ones that found these town homes and right when I saw them I knew they were perfect for our little family. Jarom and Nicci just moved into theirs this week and I absolutely love it. I can't wait till ours is finished now. Everything moved really quickly with this purchase. There was actually a lot of interest in our unit so we had to move fast. It is an end unit with 2 bedrooms and a finished basement. We added a closet to the basement and that way we can sell it as 3 bedrooms. So total it has 3 bedrooms and 3 1/2 baths. Once we get some pictures I will have to post them. Our settlement date is April 29th and that is coming right up! We have had a designer help us pick all of the colors and cabinets and countertops, so it should look great. I just have to trust her! We did a few accent walls in a Latte color and when I first saw them I got nervous they were too dark. But after looking at it more, I realized I need to trust her and it is going to look great! I will post pictures as soon as I get them :)
I believe the active thing. Bailey was the biggest kicker and she is such an active baby. It will all come before you know it. NOt much longer to go!
the active thing is so so so true, Colter NEVER EVER stopped moving in the womb and it hasn't changed..not one bit!! Its is so much fun!!
You look so dang cute, you're tiny...i'm so jealous! You are only pregnant in your little belly. :)We can't wait to meet little Kaleb!!
oh yea...YAY on your new place, thats so exciting, CONGRATS!!!
WOW! All sorts of new stuff! How exciting. I can't wait to see pictures of your new home it sounds Beautiful. And you can't get any better then "new"! Oh and BTW you look GREAT! Keep posting!!!!
Congats on the home!! I'm so excited for you guys (and of course sad that we won't get to run into you anymore at your current residence ;)
I'm scared about the "active" baby theory because this little on is just as active in my tummy as my first one, Dax, was! I was hoping my little girl would be a "chill" baby. I guess I'm in for it, ha ha.
YAY! You look so cute! Shawn you are getting so big I love it! You are so cute pregnant! And yes...you totally stole the background I was going to have. Haha it's very cute! And I'm very happy for you guys I just wish you were going to be living closer :( We miss you...but we will see you this weekend! Can't wait! I love you!
How exciting for all these new and fun changes!! Congrats on your new townhouse and your new little bundle of joy! Cherish every little moment with him because before you know it he will be walking around and talking and won't let you cuddle him anymore!!
You are the cutest pregnant girl ever! I wish I looked that good with my baby belly. Hey, just so you know, I don't know if you'll be there or not, but I'm going to the Mountain Crest vs. Roy game tomorrow, so I'll see you then if you're there. If not, I'm planning on coming up to Logan I think the first weekend in May, So I'll have to see you then. And maybe I can come to see your new house, Congrats!! Buying a house is an awesome thing!
You look so adorable. Kid 2 Kid has maternity clothes for super cheap and they only take really nice maternity clothes. Congratulations on your new house. I'm so happy for you!
Okay first of all....I miss you. Second...you are beautiful and you look like I did when I was 2 days pregnate! And third....congrats on the house! I am SO excited for you guys and SO excited to come and get a tour and SO excited to see my new little nephew soon. I bought him some presents the day I found out he was a he! :) YAY!! Love you!
Oh yah....and none of my babies ever stopped moving so you are pretty much in trouble. Plus, look who you married! Did you expect anything different? And honestly would you want it any other way?? :)
Your belly is so cute! Congrats on the house that is way exciting!
Hey cute friend, how are you doing!? How is your pregnancy going?
Congrats on everything! How exciting! Corey and I are glad that we are closer so we can actually see you guys more!
We have a different blog now so I need your e-mail address that you use!! send it to tkaminska@hotmail.com
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