The Gang!
Jake, Katie, Shelby and Darant
Jarom, Nicci, and Jace
Curtis, Joanna, and Shelby
John and my new future sister-in-law Stephanie!
Jacer Man!
James, Jarom, Nicci, Joanna, and I went boating in Mantua the next day. It was way fun! I got rocked wake boarding, but it was still fun :) This was Joanna's first time wake boarding and she did really good! She actually did better than me. When I got up, Jarom had to turn the boat and so I went flying outside of the wake. I was going so fast and then smacked the water after my board got ripped off my feet. Ya it felt as bad as it sounds!
I don't know why we got the urge to shave James' hair! He has beautiful hair, but we were bored and so we buzzed his head. He actually looks really cute! :)