The Gang!
Jake, Katie, Shelby and Darant
Jarom, Nicci, and Jace
Curtis, Joanna, and Shelby
John and my new future sister-in-law Stephanie!
Jacer Man!
James, Jarom, Nicci, Joanna, and I went boating in Mantua the next day. It was way fun! I got rocked wake boarding, but it was still fun :) This was Joanna's first time wake boarding and she did really good! She actually did better than me. When I got up, Jarom had to turn the boat and so I went flying outside of the wake. I was going so fast and then smacked the water after my board got ripped off my feet. Ya it felt as bad as it sounds!
I don't know why we got the urge to shave James' hair! He has beautiful hair, but we were bored and so we buzzed his head. He actually looks really cute! :)
Looks like you're having a lot of fun! I'm glad you're finally updating so I can see what's going on.
I don't know, I might prefer fireworks in Hawaii, shot over the Ocean with the reflection and everything. I'm still jealous that you got to live in Hawaii for so long. And I'm jealous that you got to go boating. So fun. Except that it was in Mantua. I hate Mantua and their stupid Mantua cop!
James I love your hair I think you and Larry look SO good with buzzed heads! I wish we could've hung out with you guys over the 4th! Maybe next year...but it looks like you all had a blast!
Oh I forgot to say that I love your background!! It's so cute!
I am not sure that I like this post. Mostly because we are missing from that picture! I am excited to see you guys. We will be there Thursday afternoon so we better see you this weekend! :)
it was SO good seieng you guys over the 4th, we really do need to get together more often.
Shawn!!!! How are you?! Wow it has been way too long since we have talked! Well looks like your life is going beautifully! We should get together sometime!
Welcome back to the blogging world! We missed you and your great commentary!
You guys are so cute! Im glad we could watch that amazing movie the other night! :)
Cute pictures! You weren't kidding when you said you "updated." LOL You guys are so fun to hang out with. See ya soon!
you look GREAT! I am so glad I found you on here. What are you up to? How are you doing, where are you living?!?!? Keep in touch. Love you girl!
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