For those of you who don't know Bandit - this is Bandit! We have had him for about 13 years! And that is Jeter on my back if you can't tell. He always has to be in the picture. . .
Here is Jeter and Willy. Crazy kids! :)
So we tried getting a picture with all three of the puppies, but it didn't work out that well. Bandit is a little difficult. Unlike Jeter who always poses for the camera.
Ok, so let me explain. . . When we throw a ball under the couch, Jeter army crawls underneath to grab it. Below is a video and it is so hilarious!
Hey thanks for the sweet comments! You guys are awesome and we love you too! I love that picture of Jeter army crawling, it is hilarious! Well we can't wait to see you guys!!!
Oh my heck...I could watch that a hundred times! That is so funny! Not so sure about the picture of me with my a@# in the air!
HAHAHAHAHAHA ohhhh my heck okay so I'm totally going to post mine asap that is hilarious!! I'm so glad you guys posted it!!
cute puppies!! the pic of you guys all on the ground is hilarious!
I'm still terrified of Bandit.
YAY!! you have a blog, we totally just got into the whole thing, i love that we can keep in touch better now.
It was so good seeing you guys last weekend! we'll have to do it more often.
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